import io
from typing import (
from fastavro import (
from ...exceptions import (
from import (
[docs]class MinosAvroProtocol(MinosBinaryProtocol):
"""Minos Avro Protocol class."""
[docs] @classmethod
def encode(cls, value: Any, schema: Any, *args, batch_mode: bool = False, **kwargs) -> bytes:
"""Encoder in avro for database Values
all the headers are converted in fields with double underscore name
the body is a set fields coming from the data type.
:param value: The data to be stored.
:param schema: The schema relative to the data.
:param args: Additional positional arguments.
:param batch_mode: If ``True`` the data is processed as a list of models, otherwise the data is processed as a
single model.
:param kwargs: Additional named arguments.
:return: A bytes object.
if not batch_mode:
value = [value]
if not isinstance(schema, list):
schema = [schema]
raw_schema = cls._parse_schema(schema)
return cls._write_data(value, raw_schema)
except Exception as exc:
raise MinosProtocolException(f"Error encoding data: {exc!r}")
def _parse_schema(schema: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> dict[str, Any]:
named_schemas = {}
for item in schema[1::-1]:
parse_schema(item, named_schemas)
return parse_schema(schema[0], named_schemas, expand=True)
def _write_data(value: list[dict[str, Any]], schema: dict[str, Any]):
with io.BytesIO() as file:
writer(file, schema, value)
content = file.getvalue()
return content
[docs] @classmethod
def decode(cls, data: bytes, *args, batch_mode: bool = False, **kwargs) -> Any:
"""Decode the given bytes of data into a single dictionary or a sequence of dictionaries.
:param data: A bytes object.
:param args: Additional positional arguments.
:param batch_mode: If ``True`` the data is processed as a list of models, otherwise the data is processed as a
single model.
:param kwargs: Additional named arguments.
:return: A dictionary or a list of dictionaries.
with io.BytesIO(data) as file:
ans = list(reader(file))
except Exception as exc:
raise MinosProtocolException(f"Error decoding the avro bytes: {exc}")
if not batch_mode:
if len(ans) > 1:
raise MinosProtocolException(
f"The 'batch_mode' argument was set to {False!r} but data contains multiple values: {ans!r}"
ans = ans[0]
return ans
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] @classmethod
def decode_schema(cls, data: bytes, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[dict[str, Any], list[dict[str, Any]]]:
"""Decode the given bytes of data into a single dictionary or a sequence of dictionaries.
:param data: A bytes object.
:param args: Additional positional arguments.
:param kwargs: Additional named arguments.
:return: A tuple or a list of tuples.
with io.BytesIO(data) as file:
r = reader(file)
schema = r.writer_schema
except Exception as exc:
raise MinosProtocolException(f"Error getting avro schema: {exc}")
return schema